EFD bewilligt weitere Ombudsstellen
Das Eidgenössische Finanzdepartement (EFD) hat bekannt gegeben, dass es per 27. Juli 2020 weitere Ombudsstellen für Finanzdienstleister bewilligt hat:
- Association Financial Services Ombudsman (FINSOM)
- Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution (SCAI)
- Terraxis SA
Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Ombudsstellen finden Sie auf unserer Webseite.
Der Anschluss an eine Ombudsstelle ist eine der Voraussetzungen für die Eintragung von Kundenberaterinnen und Kundenberatern in das Schweizer Beraterregister der BX Swiss AG. Die Pflicht zum Anschluss an eine Ombudsstelle gilt auch für ausländische Finanzdienstleister, die grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistungen für Schweizer Kunden oder Kunden in der Schweiz erbringen.
The Federal Department of Finance (FDF) announced today that it has approved the following ombudsman offices for financial service providers:
- Association Financial Services Ombudsman (FINSOM)
- Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution (SCAI)
- Terraxis SA
Further information on the individual ombudsman offices can be found on our website.
The connection to an ombudsman’s office is one of the requirements for the registration of client advisors in client advisor register of BX Swiss AG. The obligation to join an ombudsman’s office also applies to foreign financial service providers who provide cross-border services for Swiss clients or clients in Switzerland.
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Matthias acts as Managing Director at BX Swiss, formerly known as Berne exchange. Before joining BX Swiss, he was head of group innovation management at SIX Group. During his time at both of the Swiss stock exchanges, he launched various new innovative services in the area of financial market infrastructure, ETD & OTC derivatives, structured products, precious metals, funds and bonds.
Matthias acts as Managing Director at BX Swiss, formerly known as Berne exchange. Before joining BX Swiss, he was head of group innovation management at SIX Group. During his time at both of the Swiss stock exchanges, he launched various new innovative services in the area of financial market infrastructure, ETD & OTC derivatives, structured products, precious metals, funds and bonds.