Published prospectuses and list of approved prospectuses

Pursuant to Art. 64 para. 3 lit. d FinSA, the obligation to publish the prospectus may be fulfilled by electronic publication on the website of the Prospectus Review Office. Approved prospectuses and supplements are not automatically published on this website. The applicant must explicitly request this as part of the prospectus review process.

The Prospectus Review Office also publishes a list of all approved prospectuses and supplements: List of all approved prospectuses and supplements

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    Seit 2020 führt die BX Swiss AG im Rahmen des schweizerischen Bundesgesetzes über die Finanzdienstleistungen (FIDLEG) eine FINMA zugelassene Prüfstelle für Prospekte und ein Beraterregister.


    BX Swiss AG
    Talstrasse 70
    CH-8001 Zürich

    +41 31 329 40 55
    [email protected]
