Reporting Obligations pursuant to art. 32 FinSO and art. 41 FinSO
Client Advisors who are registered in the Client Advisor Register are subject to the legal reporting obligations pursuant to Art. 32 Financial Services Act (FinSA) and Art. 41 Financial Services Ordinance (FinSO). They must notify the Registration Office of the following changes within 14 days of their occurrence via an online application (change request) via the registration platform:
Facts | Form of the notification | Documents to be submitted / notification |
Change of your name | –> Change request | Copy of your new ID or your new passport |
Change of name or address of the financial services provider for whom you work | –> Change request | Notification |
Change of employer | The registration in the Client Advisor Register shall be maintained: –> Change request |
Registration in the Client Advisor Register is no longer required, desired or the requirements are no longer met: –> Deletion request |
Change of your function and/or position in the organisation | –> Change request | Notification |
Change of your fields of activity | –> Change request | Employer confirmation or proof of professional knowledge for the additional field of activity |
Completed training and further education | –> Change request | Proof (certificate, diploma, etc.) |
Change of Ombudsman office | –> Change request | Notification |
Full or partial termination of professional liability insurance | –> Change request | New insurance policy |
Termination of activity as a client advisor | –> Deletion request |
In addition, the following facts must be reported to the Registration Office within the same period:
- Convictions for criminal offences under Article 1 of the Financial Market Supervision Act of 22 June 20074 (FINMASA) or for criminal offences against property under Articles 137-172ter of the Criminal Code (or comparable convictions by foreign authorities)
- a prohibition of activity pursuant to Article 33a FINMASA or a prohibition of occupation pursuant to Article 33 FINMASA (or comparable decisions by foreign authorities)
Requests for changes and deletions can be initiated and submitted directly on the registration platform. Convictions and activity bans must be reported to the registration office by e-mail to [email protected].
No fees for change or cancellation requests:
The Client Advisor Register of BX Swiss AG does not charge any fees for processing change or deletion requests (see also the List of Fees of the Registration Office of BX Swiss AG ).
Failure to notify:
If the registration agent becomes aware that a client advisor no longer fulfils a registration requirement, it shall delete the client advisor from the register (Art. 32 para. 4 SinSA).
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