La BX réduit les frais de contrôle des prospectus
Sur la base de l’expérience acquise depuis l’introduction du service le 1er juin 2020, BX Swiss a décidé de réduire les frais d’examen et de dépôt du prospectus sur une base sélective.
La grille tarifaire modifiée de l’organe de contrôle de prospectus, qui entrera en vigueur le 16 novembre 2020, peut être consultée sur notre site web sous le lien suivant: règlement sur les émoluments.
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Matthias acts as Managing Director at BX Swiss, formerly known as Berne exchange. Before joining BX Swiss, he was head of group innovation management at SIX Group. During his time at both of the Swiss stock exchanges, he launched various new innovative services in the area of financial market infrastructure, ETD & OTC derivatives, structured products, precious metals, funds and bonds.
Matthias acts as Managing Director at BX Swiss, formerly known as Berne exchange. Before joining BX Swiss, he was head of group innovation management at SIX Group. During his time at both of the Swiss stock exchanges, he launched various new innovative services in the area of financial market infrastructure, ETD & OTC derivatives, structured products, precious metals, funds and bonds.