BX riduce le commissioni per la verifica dei prospetti
Sulla base dell’esperienza acquisita dall’introduzione del servizio il 1° giugno 2020, BX Swiss ha deciso di ridurre le commissioni per la verifica e il deposito selettivo dei prospetti.
Il tariffario modificato dell’organo di verifica dei prospetti, che entrerà in vigore il 16 novembre 2020, è disponibile sul nostro sito web www.regservices.ch al seguente link.
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Matthias acts as Managing Director at BX Swiss, formerly known as Berne exchange. Before joining BX Swiss, he was head of group innovation management at SIX Group. During his time at both of the Swiss stock exchanges, he launched various new innovative services in the area of financial market infrastructure, ETD & OTC derivatives, structured products, precious metals, funds and bonds.
Matthias acts as Managing Director at BX Swiss, formerly known as Berne exchange. Before joining BX Swiss, he was head of group innovation management at SIX Group. During his time at both of the Swiss stock exchanges, he launched various new innovative services in the area of financial market infrastructure, ETD & OTC derivatives, structured products, precious metals, funds and bonds.